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Computing Lab

The MATH Computing Lab comprises two spaces: an open lab and a teaching lab. Each space houses 32 HP workstations running Linux Ubuntu. This setup is designed to allow students to work in a modern computing environment that is similar to many computing research and development facilities found in academic and industrial environments.

Our computing lab is located on the third floor of the Mathematics & Science Center, room E308. Undergraduate and graduate students currently taking courses in the department may utilize the facilities; usage by others will be granted per request.


  1. No eating, drinking, or smoking is permitted.
  2. Patrons should be quiet, as not to disturb other patrons.
  3. Trash should go into the appropriate container.
  4. The consulting area is reserved to lab representatives only.
  5. All print-outs should be picked up promptly.
  6. Any workstation session left unattended for 10 minutes should/will be discontinued.

Lab Hours


lab hours
Opens2 pm10 am10 am10 am10 am8 am2 pm
Closes5 pm7 pm7 pm7 pm7 pm6 pm5 pm