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Honors Program

During the spring semester of junior year, majors with a 3.5 GPA are considered for the Honors Program.

The Undergraduate Committee selects from this group, based on the advice of the department faculty, those who have demonstrated the ability and promise to successfully complete the course and thesis requirements of the program. Invited students who wish to pursue honors then choose a thesis advisor and begin work on a research project that culminates in an Honors thesis, completed during senior year.


  1. Invitation by the department to join the program.
  2. Completion of BS requirements in any of the department's major programs.
  3. Completion of an approved departmental graduate course.
  4. Submission and defense of a thesis, both of which are judged to be satisfactory by the thesis committee, by the College deadline.
  5. An overall GPA of 3.5
  6. For joint majors (MathPOLS, EconMath, MathCS) only
    • Joint majors may pursue honors in either department; however, they have to choose only one.
    • Joint majors need approval from both departments to participate in honors.
    • Joint majors should have one committee member from each department, and one committee member outside both departments for a total of 3 committee members.
    • Both departments must agree on and approve of the level of honors ultimately awarded.

Course Preparation

To be considered for the Honors Program students are strongly urged to take the following courses in (or prior to) their junior year.

  • Mathematics Majors: at least one of the sequences Math 411/412 or Math 421/422.
  • Applied Mathematics Majors: either the sequence Math 411/412 or both Math 315 & Math 321.
  • Applied Mathematics and Statistics Majors: the sequence Math 361/362 and Math 315

Honors Application Form and Frequently Asked Questions

Students who would like to be considered for Honors should find additional information here.

The Honors Program Coordinator is Professor Manuela Manetta. Students interested in this program are urged to discuss it with Professor Manuela Manetta as early as possible.

Related Information

Emory's Science Librarian, Kristan Majors Chilcoat, has created the Dept Math & Dept CS Honors Research Guide to assist students with their research and writing.