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4+1 Program

The mathematics program supports a 4+1 Mathematics MS program for Emory undergraduates, which allows students to earn an MS degree by spending an additional fifth year at Emory. The program has two separate tracks in mathematics and applied mathematics.


Applicants for the Mathematics 4+1 program may matriculate in any major of Emory College. The course requirements for admission to the program consist of the following undergraduate courses, which need to be completed by the end of the junior year:


  • Math 318 (Complex Variables)
  • Math 321 (Abstract Vector Spaces)
  • Math 411-412 (Real Analysis I & II)
  • Math 421-422 (Abstract Algebra I & II)

Applied Mathematics

  • Math 315 (Numerical Analysis)
  • Math 351 (Partial Differential Equations)
  • At least 3 courses from: 318 (Complex Variables), 344 (Differential Geometry), 346 (Intro to Optimization), 347 (Non-Linear Optimization), 352 (PDEs in A
  • CS 171 (Intro to Computer Science II)

Further information on the Mathematics MS degree program can be found in the MS program handbook.


Applicants to the 4+1 Mathematics MS program are required to have a grade point average of 3.25 or higher at the time of admission. In addition, they must have obtained a grade of B or better in each of the prerequisite courses listed above. The minimum grade point average must be maintained through completion of their undergraduate degree.


Emory students who have transferred from Oxford College are eligible for the Mathematics 4+1 program, provided they have met the course requirements listed above. (Since the only required courses currently offered at Oxford are Math 315 and CS 171, students transferring from Oxford might only be able to meet the requirements for the applied mathematics option.)

When to Apply

Qualified students will be able to apply to the program during the spring of their junior year. The application materials will consist of:

  • A CV
  • Personal statement
  • Emory transcript
  • Three (3) recommendation letters from faculty

Applications will need to be completed by early March. The 4+1 program committee will then have the responsibility of reviewing the applications, and will then make recommendations for admission to ECAS/LGS. Final decisions will be made and students notified before the enrollment deadlines for the subsequent Fall semester.

Application Information

The deadline for application to the Mathematics 4+1 program in 2022 is April 15.

You will need to create an account and select Mathematics under "4+1 Programs." The application will show "Fall 2022" as the start semester, which corresponds to a +1 graduate year starting in Fall 2023.

Five-Year BA/MSPH

Together with the Department of Biostatistics in the Rollins School of Public Health, the department offers this joint degree program. The program can provide entry into the profession of biostatistics or preparation for a doctoral program.